Awards in Warren’s Memory

1. Warren Roberts Memorial Award
Bloomington Restorations, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana
The Warren Roberts Memorial Award for lifetime achievement in historic preservation is awarded by Bloomington Restorations, Inc., to individuals who have distinguished themselves by the longtime role they have played in helping to preserve the historic built environment of Monroe County. It is the highest award presented by Bloomington Restorations, Inc., the not-for-profit historic preservation group serving Monroe County. Past recipients of the award are
1999 Marsh Davis
2000 Henry Glassie
2001 Rosemary Miller
2002 Bill Sturbaum
2003 Diana Hawes
2004 Patsy Powell
2005 Duncan Campbell
2006 David Walter

2007 (none)

2008 (none)

2009 Nancy Hiestand

2. Warren E. Roberts Graduate Student Paper Award
In memory of folklife scholar Warren E. Roberts, a longtime member and former director of the Pioneer America Society: Association for the Preservation of Artifacts and Landscapes, this annual competitive award recognizes excellence in original graduate student fieldwork, documentary research, and writing in the area of traditional material culture. The winner receives a certificate of recognition, a cash prize of $200.00, one free registration to the annual conference, and a banquet ticket.

3. Warren E. Roberts Prize for the Best Student Paper in Folk Art
 Warren's former students Suzanne Waldenberger and Peter Harle revived the Folk Arts section of the American Folklore Society (AFS) not long after Warren died. Their purpose was to encourage and help publicize folklorists' excellent work on material culture and to honor Warren.  The prize recognizes an excellent student paper each year with a $100 award and a free student membership in AFS.